Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Texas Lege

God love 'em. Certainly nobody else with a brain could.

OK, put yourself in this position: you are a legislator in a state with, among others, the following issues:
* kids are dying regularly because Child Protective Services is massively underfunded and understaffed;
* teachers are up in arms because you're trying to cut their pensions when you just voted yourself a $6000 raise:
* your state contains at least one of the fattest cities in the universe;
* an abysmal high school dropout rate.

So, what's your priority?

Why, isn't it obvious? Passing a bill to put a ban on same-sex marriages in the state constitution.
It gets better. The sponsor of the bill, with a perfectly straight face, claimed that the bill "is not anti-gay."


I recall, in the Gospels, harsh words from Jesus about hypocrites, and about those who look down on others as "not as good" as themselves.
But homosexuality?

Not one single word.


frightwig said...

I thought the highest priority would have been sodding the high school football fields....

Fourth pew, center said...

Exactly. NO sense of priorities . . .