Tuesday, August 23, 2005

S.E.T., August '05, Part 2

(CNN) -- Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson has called for the United States to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez . . .

O.K., Pat, I know it's VERY difficult, but I want you to THINK -- think very far back in your ministerial education, back when you actually believed in something other than your own arrogance:

Once upon a time, there was this guy in Palestine, who went around saying things like "forgive your enemies," "blessed are the meek," "blessed are the peacemakers."
Pop quiz, Pat -- who was that guy?

First we had "What Would Jesus Do?"
Then "Who Would Jesus Bomb?"
I guess now it's time for
"Who Would Jesus Assassinate?"


Third Base Line said...

Nuke A Gay Baby Whale for Jesus!

But, seriously--anyone think he's getting a bit senile? Or is he actually that stupid/evil?

On a related note, we need a word that means "stupid and evil". The combination occurs often enough that the English language really should adapt. Perhaps (note the lack of capitalization) "dubya".

Fourth pew, center said...

Based on years of unwilling observation: yes, he really is that stupid/evil.