Tuesday, November 02, 2004

E-day, 2004

And now we wait.
Some random thoughts --

Wouldn't it be interesting if the result turned out to be a landslide? If ALL these pundits and polls were completely wrong?

What is it about this particular election that has aroused such violent emotions? Usually calm, rational people (such as myself!) are going ballistic. It's not just "I disagree with his positions/actions," it's "He's an idiot/fraud/danger to the universe." Yard signs are stolen on a massive scale; grandmothers are brainwashing grandkids; couples are sleeping in separate beds; friends are afraid to even mention the subject. Healthy political discourse? or nationwide psychotic break?

And finally -- does that smirk George Bush has been wearing lately REALLY a twin to the Jeter Smirk? Or is it just proof that the above paragraph applies to me?

I'm afraid it's going to be a looooong night . . .

1 comment:

Third Base Line said...

Well, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's compared the Yankees to the Republican Party, so yeah, that would mean Dubya = Jeter, smirk and all.

Does Karl Rove = Pay-Rod...cheating and all?

Baseball as a metaphor for life. Gotta love it.

And Boston shall set us free.